What was the project about?
The European Network for Patient Safety (EUNetPaS) project was funded and supported by the European Commission within the 2007 Public Health Programme. The project aimed to establish an umbrella network of all 27 EU Member States, international organisations, and EU stakeholders to encourage and improve partnership in the field of patient safety by sharing the knowledge, experiences and expertise of individual member states and EU stakeholders.
It was coordinated by HAS (the French National Authority for Health).
Duration: 30 months (February 2008 - June 2010)
Project’s objectives
- To promote coherence at the EU level through recommendations and common tools
- To promote a patient safety culture based on no-blame reporting
- To promote education and information on patient safety
- To create a permanent collaboration network on patient safety
Work packages
There were four work packages as part of this project.
The purpose of this work package was to collect and exchange information through the network on patient safety culture, practices and indicators in member states and to make it accessible to stakeholders through web based systems to facilitate cross border care.
The purpose of this work package was to develop a core programme for patient safety for higher education across Europe, taking into account patients’ and health care professionals’ needs. The programme will be based on existing materials such as curricula, national continuing professional development programmes and standards.
The purpose of this work package was to analyse and share the information collected on reporting and learning systems and on their implementation in the EU member states, to identify commonalities and understand the pros and cons of the differences observed. A further objective of this work package was to propose the development of a rapid alert mechanism.
The aim is to improve medication safety in hospitals by identifying best practices, translating them into tools, and testing these tools in selected hospitals. It also promotes co-operation within hospitals and creates a permanent network of hospitals. Hospitals will be active participants in all the activities of this work package.
Project’s outcomes
The project has resulted into several deliverables per work package.
- Patient Safety Culture report focusing on indicators
- Report: Use of Patient Safety Culture Instruments in Member States and Recommendations
General Guide for Education and Training in Patient Safety.
[ File #1 ]
Library of Reporting and Learning Systems
[ Link #1 ]