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Study of incidents and adverse events in intensive medicine (SYREC)


  • Stimulate the incidence of AEs and NMs in the IMSs of the participating hospitals.
  • Stimulate the incident of the patients with NMs and AEs at the IMSs.
  • Analyze the causes giving rise to the NMs and AEs and describe in what phase of the car-providing process they have occurred.
  • Analyze the percentage of NMs and AEs which are preventable.
  • Estimate the degree of severity of the NMs and AEs.
  • Analyze the factors contributing to the occurrence of NMs and AEs.
  • Quantify and characterize the percentage of NMs and AEs of which patients and family members are notified.


Incidents and adverse events in intensive medicine. Safety and risk in critical patients. SYREC 2007 . Madrid: Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality; 2010 [Summary]

Published articles

Merino P, Alvarez J, Martin MC, Alonso A, Gutierrez I; SYREC Study Investigators . Adverse events in Spanish intensive care units: the SYREC study . Int J Qual Health Care. 2011 Dec 21.