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IV International Conference on Patient Safety: Finding the best clinical practices for safer ca

Date: 25-26 November 2008.

Place: Ramón y Cajal Auditorium, Medicine Department, Complutense University of Madrid.


Patient Safety has become one of the key priority strategies of the Spanish National Health System (NHS) and is contemplated as such in the Spanish NHS Quality Plan which sets forth the aims pursued and the actions to be taken to promote Patient Safety in collaboration with the Regional Authorities, Scientific Societies, the Patients themselves and Academic and Research institutions. These aims are designed to promote new synergies in the implementation of Patient Safety policies, enabling the Spanish NHS to provide safer and enhanced quality healthcare.

This Conference aims to present international and national experiences in the implementation of best clinical practices in clinical settings, as well as to consider other key components of Patient Safety policies: research, culture, training and the role of patients and professionals.

Executive summary of the IV International Conference on Patient Safety .


Opening Session

Bernat Soria Escoms. Spanish Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs.

Quality policies in the Spanish National Health System (SNHS). José Martínez Olmos. General Secretary of Health. Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs .

Inaugural lecture: Strategic priorities in Patient Safety . Philip Hassen. Chief Executive Officer. Canadian Patient Safety Institute (Canada).
Chair: Pablo Rivero Corte. General Director of the Quality Agency of the NHS. Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.

Strategic actions for the implementation of safe practices in the SNHS. Results . Yolanda Agra Varela. Senior Adviser. Quality Agency of the NHS. Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.

Session I. Safe surgery saves lives

Introductory lecture: Experience with the implementation of the WHO checklist and briefing in the operating theatre . Krishna Moorthy. Clinical Senior Lecturer. Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon. Department of Biosurgery and Surgical Technology. Imperial College Healthcare. Londres (United Kingdom).


Enrique Terol García.Counselor of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Spanish Representation to the European Union. Brussels (Belgium)


The High 5s Initiative . Edward Kelley. Coordinator and Head, Strategic Programmes. WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety. Geneva (Switzerland).

Factoring the human into Patient Safety . Rhona Flin. Professor of Applied Psychology, University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom).

Debate. Professionals, Patients and Organizations


Jesús Casal Gómez. Jefe de Servicio. Agencia de Calidad del SNS. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo.

  • Coral Larrosa. Journalist. Tele 5 News Program.
  • Adelaida Fisas Armengol. President. Spanish Federation of Parents of Children with Cancer.
  • Antonia Gimón Revuelta. President. Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer.
  • Miquel Vilardell Tarrés. Head of the Internal Medicine Department. Vall d’Hebrón Hospital. (Barcelona). Professor and Vice-rector of Health Institutions Relationship. First Vice-President of the Medical Association of Barcelona.
  • Justo Medrano Heredia. Professor of Surgery. Miguel Hernández University (Alicante).

Session II. Research in the Patient Safety Strategy.

Lecture: Research in Patient Safety . David W. Bates. External Research Lead of WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety. MD, MSc, Chief, General Medicine Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Medical Director, Clinical and Quality Analysis, Partners HealthCare System, Inc.; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Boston (USA).


Concepción Colomer Revuelta. Deputy Director of the Quality Agency of the NHS. Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.

Mesa III. Cultura y formación

Conferencias introductorias:

¿Cómo reducir el número de sucesos graves en Seguridad del Paciente? . Brian Capstick. Director, Project "Linnaeus" for the classification of patient safety events, European Society for Quality in Healthcare. Londres (Reino Unido).

La experiencia alemana en formación sobre seguridad del paciente . Matthias Schrappe. General Manager. University Hospital. Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. Frankfurt (Alemania).


Manuel Gómez Fleitas. Surgery Unit. Valdecilla Hospital. Santander. (Cantabria).

Session IV. Practical experiences in the implementation of safe practices (I)


Itziar Larizgoitia Jáuregui. Research and Knowledge Management Coordinator. WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety. Geneva (Switzerland).

Session V. Practical experiences in the implementation of safe practices (II)

Lecture: The Five Million Lives Campaign. Carol Haraden. Vice President. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Cambridge (USA).

Chair: Alberto Infante Campos. General Manager of Professional Arrangement, Cohesion of the National System of Health and Inspection. Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.

Closing lecture

Concepción Colomer Revuelta. Deputy Director of the Quality Agency of the NHS. Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.