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Education and training in patient safety is the first step in changing the mindsets of professionals and promoting the improvement of patient safety culture in the organization

International organizations such as, the World Health Organization and the Council of the European Union have published specific recommendations to promote training in patient safety for all healthcare professionals.

In Spain, a teaching program on patient safety for healthcare professionals has been promoted by the Ministry of Health since 2006, in the framework of the National Patient Safety Strategy. The Online courses included in this teaching program, had a closed format. This means, that the participants were selected by the Health Regions.

Regarding the objectives of the new National Patient Safety Strategy for the period 2015-2020 (To promote basic training in patient safety for all health professionals, at all levels of their professional development) and the request of the Health Regions, the Spanish Ministry of Health presents here an update of the previous online courses. These courses are offered in an open and self-guided format, allowing the student to manage his / her learning pace, time and place of training.

These courses are designed for self-learning and not for improving the professional career, which is why they are not accredited.