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European Union Network for Patient Safety and Quality of Care, PaSQ Joint Action


The European Union Network for Patient Safety and Quality of Care,  PaSQ Joint Action (JA)  is co-funded and supported by the European Commission within the Public Health Programme.

General objective: to contribute to patient safety (PS) and good quality of care by:

  1. Supporting the implementation of the Council Recommendations on PS by cooperation among Member States (MS), Eu stakeholders and international organisations:
    • Share knowledge, experience and good practices by working with each other and with the Commission and relevant European and international bodies, and examine transferibility of these practices.
    • Contribute to the implementation of selected good practices in MS. 
  2. Strengthening cooperation between EU MS and EU stakeholders on issues related to HCQ, including PS and patient involvement (PI):
    • Obtain insight and mapping of PS and healthcare quality (HCQ) systems in MS
    • Share good practices in PS and HCQ
    • Reflect on principles of good quality in healthcare
    • Build and/or consolidate a network of organisations for sustained collaboration in the field of PS and HCQ

It will run for 36 months (April 1st 2012 – March 31st 2015) and will be performed through seven (7) Work Packages:

Aim: to undertake actions to manage the project and to make sure that it is implemented as planned.

Lead Partner (Main Partner of the JA): Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), France

Aim: to undertake actions to ensure that the results and deliverables of the project will be made available to the target groups.

Lead Partner: Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care and Social Welfare (AQAH), Croatia

Aim: to undertake actions to verify if the project is being implemented as planned and reaches the objectives.

Lead Partner: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece

Aim: to identify, assess and make visible good clinical practices in Patient Safety, and set up exchange mechanisms around them.

Lead Partner: Danish Society for Patient Safety (DSPS), Denmark

Aim: to implement and monitor patient safety practices in healthcare organisations of the participating MS.

Lead Partner: German Agency for Quality in Medicine (AQuMed), Germany

Aim: to strengthen cooperation between EU MS and EU stakeholders on issues related to quality management systems in healthcare, including PS and PI.

Lead Partner: Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (MSSSI), Spain

Aim: to support sustained collaboration to establish learning mechanisms among MS and relevant EU stakeholders.

Lead Partner: Ministry of Health (SKMoH), Slovakia