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Improving the safety of medication use in Spanish hospitals (2007)
Realización de actividades relativas a la mejora de la seguridad del uso de los medicamentos en los hospitales españoles
- Preparation of a questionnaire for completely evaluating in full retail the safety of the system for using medications in Spanish hospitals.
- Ascertain the situation at the nationwide level (and/or by Autonomous Communities) of the safety of the systems for using medications in hospitals.
- Avail of working material which will facilitate the implementation at the hospitals of practices aimed at improving the safety of high-risk medications.
- Self-check questionnaire on the safety of the system for using medications in hospitals . Madrid: Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs; 2007. [Spanish]
- Evaluation of the safety of the systems for using medications at Spanish hospitals. Summary . Madrid: Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs; 2008. [English]
- Practices for improving the safety of high-risk medications . Madrid: Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs; 2008. [Spanish]
- Recommendations for the Safe Use of Intravenous Potassium . Madrid: Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs; 2009. [Spanish]
- Evolución de la implantación de prácticas seguras de utilización de medicamentos en los hospitales españoles . Madrid: Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality; 2007-2011. [Spanish]