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Analysis of the patient safety-related culture within the realm of the hospitals of the Spanish National Health System


Carry out a project which will make it possible to ascertain the perception that the healthcare professionals at Spain’s hospital have with regard to the patient safety-related aspects at their workplaces.

Specific objectives

  • Implement a reliable, valid tool for measuring the patient safety-related attitudes and behaviors within the realm of the hospitals in the Spanish National Health System. For this purpose, the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), which has been translated and adapted into Spanish by the University of Murcia by way of a prior agreement, shall be used.
  • Describe the frequency of favorable patient safety-related attitudes and behaviors on the part of healthcare professionals at the hospital level by way of the data taken from the answers to the questionnaire.
  • Analyze the sociodemographic and work-related factors which are related to a favorable patient safety-related attitude or behavior.
  • Favor the regular use of the questionnaire on the part of the health centers for the evaluation, improvement and monitoring of the safety-related climate at the hospitals in the Spanish National Health System.

Analysis of the patient safety-related culture at the hospital level in the Spanish National Health System . Madrid: Ministry of Health and Social Policy; 2009 [Summary]