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Performing tasks related to the review, analysis and dissemination of the available evidence on clinical interventions related to patient safety
- Review and analyze the scientific literature available concerning patient safety-related clinical interventions for the purpose of making evidence-based recommendations to the healthcare professionals.
- Prepare scientific evidence-based materials concerning safety for dissemination to both professionals and patients.
- Organize and offer training activities in the methodology of systematic reviews, reference source searches, critical reading, etc. to those individuals (residing in Spain) who are taking part in the reviewers group and in the production of systematic reviews on patient safety.
- Provide advisory to the Ministry concerning any scientific or healthcare-related matter which may be of interest thereto in relation to patient safety.
Protocols and reviews conducted
- Ventilator-associated pneumonia prevention strategies during stress ulcer prophylaxis.
- Precautionary barriers (gloves, caps and gowns) to prevent the transmission of nosocomial infections.
- Medication labeling, coding and packaging methods for preventing medication errors.
- Perioperative glycemia check for the prevention of wounds in patients with diabetes.
- Pharmacological treatment for preventing and treating postdural puncture headache.